* module: Controller
* @category Backend API
* @subcategory Controllers
* @module Auth Controller
* @description This module contains the controllers for handling user authentication, including login, signup, password reset, super admin activation, and deactivation routes.
* The following routes are handled by this module and their corresponding functions: </br>
* </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/login </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/signup </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/addadmin </br>
* <b>GET</b> /auth/superadmin/reqactivation/:email </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/superadmin/activate </br>
* <b>GET</b> /auth/superadmin/reqdeactivation/:email </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/superadmin/deactivate </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/user/activate/:email </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/user/deactivate/:email l </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/forgotpassword </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/resetpassword </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/googlesignin </br>
* <b>GET</b> /auth/github </br>
* <b>GET</b> /auth/github/callback </br>
* <b>POST</b> /auth/google/callback </br>
* <b>GET</b> /auth/verifyemail/:token </br>
const UUID = require('uuid').v4;
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const config = require('../utils/config');
const { sendEmail, EmailMessage } = require('../utils/email/email');
const {
} = require('../utils/errors');
const { getAuthCodes, getAuthTokens } = require('../utils/token.js');
const { OAuth2Client } = require('google-auth-library');
const { User, Status } = require('../models/user.models');
const { BlacklistedToken, AuthCode, TestAuthToken } = require('../models/token.models');
const Password = require('../models/password.models');
const { default: mongoose } = require('mongoose');
* Create and send JWT tokens to the client.
* @description This function creates a JWT access token and a refresh token and sends them to the client.
* The access token contains the user's data which will be required for the client to make authorized requests to the API.
* @param {MongooseDocument} user - The user object.
* @param {number} statusCode - The HTTP response status code.
* @param {ExpressResponseObject} res - The Express response object.
* @memberof module:Controllers/AuthController
* @returns {void}
* @throws {Error} If error occurs
const returnAuthTokens = async (user, statusCode, res) => {
if (!user.status) user = await User.findById(user._id).populate('status');
const { access_token, refresh_token } = await getAuthTokens(user.toObject());
// Remove sensitive data from user object
user.password = undefined;
user.passwordConfirm = undefined;
user.emailVerificationToken = undefined;
user.passwordResetToken = undefined;
user.isVerified = undefined;
user.auth_code = undefined;
success: true,
data: {
* Handle existing unverified user.
* @description Ssends new verification email to user if the existing user is unverified</br>
* Inside the email, there is a link that the user can click to verify their email address,
* this link contains a JWT token that is used to verify the user's email address, the token has an expiry date of 1 hour </br>
* The token is generated using the getAuthTokens function
* @param {MongooseObject} user - Mongoose user object
* @returns {string} access_token, refresh_token - JWT tokens
const handleUnverifiedUser = function (user) {
return async function (req) {
// Generate email verification link
const { access_token } = await getAuthTokens(user, 'verification');
const verification_url = `${config.CLIENT_APP_URL}/api/v1/auth/verifyemail/${access_token}`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'test') {
await TestAuthToken.findOneAndUpdate(
{ user: user._id },
{ access_token },
{ upsert: true }
// Send verification email
const message = new EmailMessage(req.query.lang)
await sendEmail({
email: user.email,
subject: 'Verify your email address',
html: message.emailVerification(user.firstname, verification_url),
* Handle existing user
* @description It sends new verification email to user if the existing user is unverified
* @param {MongooseObject} user - Mongoose user object
* @returns {function} - Express middleware function
* @throws {BadRequestError} - If user is already verified
const handleExistingUser = function (user) {
return async function (req, res, next) {
const existing_user = user.toObject();
// If user is not verified - send verification email
if (!existing_user.status.isVerified) {
await handleUnverifiedUser(existing_user)(req);
// Return access token
success: true,
message: 'User account exists already, verification mail sent to user',
data: {
user: {
_id: existing_user._id,
firstname: existing_user.firstname,
lastname: existing_user.lastname,
email: existing_user.email,
} else {
return next(new BadRequestError('User already exists'));
exports.passportOauthCallback = function (req, res) {
returnAuthTokens(req.user, 200, res);
* Signup a new user
* @description This function creates a new user and sends a verification email to the user.
* The user is created using the User model, and the user's password is hashed using the bcrypt library.
* The user is created with the status of unverified, which means that the user cannot login until their email address is verified.
* Each user account has a status document linked to it,
* which holds two data fields: isVerified and isActive. By default, isVerified is set to false, which means that the user cannot login until their email address is verified.
* isActive is set to true for EndUsers, which means that the user account is active.
* For Superadmin accounts, it has to be activated using the superadmin activation route.
* @see {@link module:controllers/auth~activateSuperAdmin}
* @param {string} role - User role (EndUser, Admin, SuperAdmin)
* @param {string} email - User email
* @param {string} password - User password
* @param {string} passwordConfirm - User password confirmation
* @param {string} firstname - User firstname
* @param {string} lastname - User lastname
* @returns {object} Object containing the new user object, JWT token, and the status of the request
* // TODO: Add super admin signup
* @throws {BadRequestError} if passwordConfirm is not provided
* @throws {Error} if an error occurs
exports.signup = async (req, res, next) => {
let { firstname, lastname, email, role, password, passwordConfirm, preferred_language } = req.body;
// NOTE: Will be handled by mongoose schema validation
// Check if all required fields are provided
// if (!firstname || !lastname || !email || !role || !password || !passwordConfirm) {
// return next(new BadRequestError('Please provide all required fields'));
// }
if (!passwordConfirm) { return next(new BadRequestError('Path `passwordConfirm` is required., Try again')) }
if (!role) role = 'EndUser';
// Check if superAdmin tries to create another superadmin from - addAdmin route
if (role === 'SuperAdmin' && req.user?.role == 'SuperAdmin')
return next(new BadRequestError('You cannot create a superadmin account'));
// Check if user already exists
const existing_user = await User.findOne({ email }).populate('status')
if (existing_user) return handleExistingUser(existing_user)(req, res, next);
let new_user;
const session = await mongoose.startSession();
await session.withTransaction(async () => {
await User.create([{ firstname, lastname, email, role, preferred_language }], { session, context: 'query' }).then((user) => { new_user = user[0] });
await Password.create([{ user: new_user._id, password }], { session, context: 'query' });
await Status.create([{ user: new_user._id }], { session, context: 'query' })
await AuthCode.create([{ user: new_user._id }], { session, context: 'query' })
await session.commitTransaction()
// Check if request was made by a superadmin
if (req.user?.role == 'SuperAdmin' && role != 'SuperAdmin') {
// Activate and verify user
new_user.status.isActive = true;
new_user.status.isVerified = true;
await new_user.status.save();
return res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: { user: new_user } });
// Handle user verification
await handleUnverifiedUser(new_user)(req);
// Return access token
return res.status(200).json({ success: true, data: { user: new_user } });
* Create a new admin account and send a verification email to the user.
* This function is only accessible to the superadmin to create a new admin account.
* @param {Object} req - Express request object
* @param {Object} req.body - Request body containing user details
* @param {string} req.body.email - User email
* @param {string} req.body.password - User password
* @param {string} req.body.passwordConfirm - User password confirmation
* @param {string} req.body.firstname - User firstname
* @param {string} req.body.lastname - User lastname
* @param {Object} res - Express response object
* @param {function} next - Express next middleware function
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Returns a promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:
* - user: Mongoose user object
* - token: JWT token
* - status: Status of the request
* @throws {BadRequestError} If email or password is not provided or incorrect.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs while creating the user or sending the verification email.
exports.addAdmin = async (req, res, next) => {
req.body.role = 'Admin';
this.signup(req, res, next);
// Login a user
* Login a user and return a JWT token.
* This function logs in a user with their email and password, and returns two JWT tokens:
* an access token and a refresh token. The access token is used to authenticate the user
* on subsequent requests, and expires after 15 minutes. The refresh token is used to
* refresh the access token, and expires after 2 days.
* @param {object} req - The HTTP request object.
* @param {object} res - The HTTP response object.
* @param {function} next - The next middleware function.
* @param {string} req.body.email - The user's email address.
* @param {string} req.body.password - The user's password.
* @returns {object} - The HTTP response object containing a success flag, the user object,
* an access token, and a refresh token.
* @throws {CustomAPIError} - If the email or password is missing or incorrect, or if the
* email is not verified or the account is not activated.
* @throws {Error} - If an error occurs.
exports.login = async (req, res, next) => {
const { email, password } = req.body
//Check if fields are provided
if (!email || !password) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Please provide email and password'))
//check if email exists
const currentUser = await User.findOne({ email }).populate('password status')
//Check if email and password matches
if (
!currentUser ||
!(await currentUser.password.comparePassword(password, currentUser.password))
) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Incorrect email or password'));
// Check if user is verified
if (!currentUser.status.isVerified) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Please verify your email'));
// Check if user account in acivted
if (!currentUser.status.isActive) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Please activate your account'));
// Get access and refresh token
const { access_token, refresh_token } = await getAuthTokens(currentUser, 'access');
currentUser.enrolled_courses = undefined
// Return access token
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: {
user: currentUser,
* Verify a user's email.
* This function verifies a user's email using a JWT token. If the token is valid and
* not blacklisted, the user's email is marked as verified in the database. Otherwise,
* an error is returned.
* @param {object} req - The HTTP request object.
* @param {object} res - The HTTP response object.
* @param {function} next - The next middleware function.
* @returns {object} - The HTTP response object containing a success flag and a message.
* @throws {CustomAPIError} - If the token is invalid or expired.
* @throws {Error} - If an error occurs.
exports.verifyEmail = async (req, res, next) => {
// Get token from url
const { token } = req.params;
if (!token) {
return next(BadRequestError('No authentication token provided'))
// Verify token
const payload = jwt.verify(token, config.JWT_EMAILVERIFICATION_SECRET);
// Check if token is blacklisted
const blacklisted_token = await BlacklistedToken.findOne({ token });
if (blacklisted_token) return next(new UnauthorizedError('Token Invalid or Token Expired, Request for a new verification token'))
// Get user from token
const user = await User.findById(payload.id).populate('status');
if (!user) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Token Invalid or Token Expired, Request for a new verification token'))
user.status.isVerified = true;
await user.status.save();
await BlacklistedToken.create({ token });
return res.status(200).send({ success: true, message: 'Email verified' })
* Request activation for the super admin account.
* @description This function allows the super admin to request for account activation.
* The super admin account is not activated by default for security reasons.
* This function generates two activation codes - one for the super admin and one for the project hosts.
* The new super admin uses the first activation code to activate the account,
* and the project hosts use the second activation code to activate the account.
* </br>
* Once the activation codes are generated, they are sent to the super admin and the project hosts via email.
* The activation codes will be required to complete the account activation process.
* @param {string} email - Super admin email.
* @returns {Object} The status of the request and access token if successful.
* @throws {CustomAPIError} If the super admin account does not exist.
* @throws {CustomAPIError} If the super admin account is already active.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the request.
exports.requestSuperAdminAccountActivation = async (req, res, next) => {
const email = req.params.email
// Check if a super admin account exists, and it's not active
const super_admin = await User.findOne({ email, role: 'SuperAdmin' }).populate('status')
if (!super_admin) return next(new BadRequestError('Superadmin account does not exist'))
// Check if account is active
if (super_admin.status.isActive) return next(new BadRequestError('Account is already active'))
// Generate activation codes
const { activation_code1, activation_code2, activation_code3 } = await getAuthCodes(super_admin._id, 'su_activation')
// Send activation codes to HOSTs
email: config.HOST_ADMIN_EMAIL1,
subject: `New super admin activation request for ${super_admin.email}`,
message: `This is your part of the required activation code ${activation_code1}`
email: config.HOST_ADMIN_EMAIL2,
subject: `New super admin activation request for ${super_admin.email}`,
message: `This is your part of the required activation code ${activation_code2}`
// Send activation code to user
email: super_admin.email,
subject: `New super admin activation request for ${super_admin.email}`,
message: `This is your part of the required activation code ${activation_code3}`
// Get activation access token
const { access_token } = await getAuthTokens(super_admin._id, 'su_activation')
// Send response to client
return res.status(200)
success: true,
data: {
message: "Activation codes sent to users email"
* Activates a super admin account.
* This function activates a super admin account on the MOOCs platform.
* The function requires three activation codes to complete the account activation process.
* These activation codes are generated when the super admin requests for account activation.
* This function is used by the super admin to activate the account.
* @see {@link module:controllers/auth~requestSuperAdminAccountActivation} for generating the activation codes.
* @param {Object} req - The request object.
* @param {Object} res - The response object.
* @param {function} next - The next middleware function.
* @param {string} req.body.activation_code1 - The first activation code sent to the new super admin.
* @param {string} req.body.activation_code2 - The second activation code sent to the project hosts.
* @param {string} req.body.activation_code3 - The third activation code sent to the project hosts.
* @returns {Object} The response object containing a `status` field and a success message.
* @returns {boolean} response.success - The status of the request, which is always `true`.
* @returns {Object} response.data - The data returned by the function.
* @returns {string} response.data.message - The success message, which is "Super admin account activated".
* @throws {BadRequestError} If any of the activation codes are missing.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the user making the request is not a super admin.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the activation code is invalid.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the activation code has expired.
* @throws {Error} If any other error occurs.
exports.activateSuperAdminAccount = async (req, res, next) => {
const { activation_code1, activation_code2, activation_code3 } = req.body
// Check if all activation codes are provided
if (!activation_code1 || !activation_code2 || !activation_code3) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Missing required parameter in request body'));
const admin = await User.findOne({ _id: req.user.id, role: 'SuperAdmin' }).populate('status')
// Check if user exists
if (!admin) {
throw new BadRequestError('Token Invalid or Token Expired, Request for a new activation token');
// Find activation code document
const activation_code = `${activation_code1}-${activation_code2}-${activation_code3}`
const auth_code = await AuthCode.findOne({ user: admin._id, activation_code })
// Check if activation code exists
if (!auth_code) { throw new BadRequestError('Invalid activation code') }
// Check if activation code has expired
if (auth_code.expiresIn < Date.now()) {
throw new BadRequestError('Activation code has expired, request for a new activation code')
// Activate user
admin.status.isActive = true;
await admin.status.save()
// Blacklist token
// await BlacklistedToken.create({ token: req.token })
// Send response to client
return res.status(200)
success: true,
data: {
message: "Super admin account activated"
* Request for super admin account deactivation
* @description If a super admin account is deactivated, all project hosts will be notified.
* This function generates three deactivation codes and sends them to the super admin and two project hosts via email.
* @see {@link module:controllers/auth~deactivateSuperAdminAccount} for deactivating the super admin account.
* @param {string} email - Super admin email
* @returns {string} status - Status of the request
* @throws {CustomAPIError} if super admin account does not exist
* @throws {CustomAPIError} if super admin account is already active
* @throws {Error} if error occurs
exports.requestSuperAdminAccountDeactivation = async (req, res, next) => {
const email = req.params.email
// Check if a super admin account exists, and it's not active
const super_admin = await User.findOne({ email, role: 'SuperAdmin' }).populate('status')
if (!super_admin) return next(new BadRequestError('Superadmin account does not exist'))
// Check if account is active
if (!super_admin.status.isActive) return next(new BadRequestError('Account is already inactive'))
// Generate activation codes
const { deactivation_code1, deactivation_code2, deactivation_code3 } = await getAuthCodes(super_admin._id, 'su_deactivation')
// Send activation codes to HOSTs
email: config.HOST_ADMIN_EMAIL1,
subject: `New super admin deactivation request for ${super_admin.email}`,
message: `This is your part of the required deactivation activation code ${deactivation_code1}`
email: config.HOST_ADMIN_EMAIL2,
subject: `New super admin activation request for ${super_admin.email}`,
message: `This is your part of the required deactivation code ${deactivation_code2}`
// Send activation code to user
email: super_admin.email,
subject: `New super admin deactivation request for ${super_admin.email}`,
message: `This is your part of the required deactivation code ${deactivation_code3}`
// Get activation access token
const { access_token } = await getAuthTokens(super_admin._id, 'su_deactivation')
// Send response to client
return res.status(200)
success: true,
data: {
message: "Deactivation codes sent to users email"
* Deactivate super admin account
* @description Deactivates super admin account if all activation codes are correct <br>
* @param {string} deactivation_code1 - deactivation code 1 sent to new super admin
* @param {string} deactivation_code2 - deactivation code 2 sent to project hosts
* @param {string} deactivation_code3 - deactivation code 3 sent to project hosts
* @returns {string} status - Status of the request
* @throws {BadRequestError} if activation codes are not provided
* @throws {BadRequestError} if token is invalid or token has expired
* @throws {BadRequestError} if token is blacklisted
* @throws {Error} if error occurs
* Note: To obtain the deactivation code,
* a request must first be made to the `requestSuperAdminAccountDeactivation()` route.
* This route sends an email with the codes to the new
* super admin and two other emails with parts of the code to the project hosts.
* @see {@link module:controllers/auth~requestSuperAdminAccountDeactivation} for requesting for a deactivation code.
exports.deactivateSuperAdminAccount = async (req, res, next) => {
const { deactivation_code1, deactivation_code2, deactivation_code3 } = req.body
// Check if all activation codes are provided
if (!deactivation_code1 || !deactivation_code2 || !deactivation_code3) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Missing required parameter in request body'));
const admin = await User.findOne({ _id: req.user.id, role: 'SuperAdmin' }).populate('status')
// Check if user exists
if (!admin) {
throw new BadRequestError('Token Invalid or Token Expired, Request for a new deactivation token');
// Find activation code document
const deactivation_code = `${deactivation_code1}-${deactivation_code2}-${deactivation_code3}`
const auth_code = await AuthCode.findOne({ user: admin._id, deactivation_code: deactivation_code })
// Check if activation code exists
if (!auth_code) { throw new BadRequestError('Invalid deactivation code') }
// Check if activation code has expired
if (auth_code.expiresIn < Date.now()) {
throw new BadRequestError('Deactivation code has expired, request for a new deactivation code')
// Activate user
admin.status.isActive = false;
await admin.status.save();
// Blacklist token
await BlacklistedToken.create({ token: req.token })
// Send response to client
return res.status(200)
success: true,
data: {
message: "Super admin account Deactivated"
* Activate user account
* @description Activates a user account if the account exists and it's not already active.
* @param {object} req - The HTTP request object
* @param {object} req.params - The request parameters object
* @param {string} req.params.email - The email address of the user to activate
* @param {object} res - The HTTP response object
* @param {function} next - The next middleware function
* @returns {object} - The HTTP response object
* @returns {boolean} success - Indicates if the request was successful
* @returns {object} data - An object containing the success message
* @returns {string} data.message - A message indicating the user account was activated
* @throws {BadRequestError} - If the email parameter is missing or invalid
* @throws {BadRequestError} - If the user account does not exist
* @throws {BadRequestError} - If the user account is already active
* @throws {ForbiddenError} - If the user is a super admin (super admin accounts cannot be activated)
* @throws {Error} - If an unexpected error occurs
exports.activateUserAccount = async (req, res, next) => {
const email = req.params.email
// Check if a user account exists, and it's not active
const user = await User.findOne({ email }).populate('status')
if (!user) return next(new BadRequestError('User account does not exist'))
// Check if account is active
if (user.status.isActive) return next(new BadRequestError('Account is already active'))
// Check if user is a super admin
if (user.role === 'superadmin') return next(new ForbiddenError('You cannot activate a super admin account'))
// Activate user
user.status.isActive = true;
await user.status.save();
// Send response to client
return res.status(200)
success: true,
data: {
message: "User account activated"
* Deactivate user account
* @description Deactivates user account if user account exists and it's active
* @param {string} email - User email
* @returns {Object} response - The HTTP response
* @returns {boolean} response.success - Indicates if the request was successful
* @returns {Object} response.data - The response data
* @returns {string} response.data.message - A message indicating the status of the request
* @throws {BadRequestError} If user account does not exist or is already deactivated
* @throws {ForbiddenError} If user is a SuperAdmin account
* @throws {Error} If an unexpected error occurs
exports.deactivateUserAccount = async (req, res, next) => {
const email = req.params.email
// Check if a user account exists, and it's not active
const user = await User.findOne({ email }).populate('status')
// Check if user exists
if (!user) return next(new BadRequestError('User account does not exist'))
// Check if users role is SuperAdmin
if (user.role === 'SuperAdmin') return next(new ForbiddenError('You cannot deactivate a SuperAdmin account'))
// Check if account is active
if (!user.status.isActive) return next(new BadRequestError('Account is already deactivated'))
// Deactivate user
user.status.isActive = false;
await user.status.save();
// Send response to client
return res.status(200)
success: true,
data: {
message: "User account deactivated"
* Sends a password reset code to a user's email.
* @param {string} email - User's email address.
* @returns {Object} An object containing a success message and an access token.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the required parameter is missing in the request body.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the user does not exist.
exports.forgetPassword = async (req, res, next) => {
const { email } = req.body
// Check for missing required field in request body
if (!email) return next(new BadRequestError('Missing required parameter in request body'));
const current_user = await User.findOne({ email })
// Check if user exists
if (!current_user) return next(new BadRequestError('User does not exist'));
// Get password reset code
const { password_reset_code } = await getAuthCodes(current_user.id, 'password_reset')
// Send password reset code to user
const message = new EmailMessage(req.query.lang)
email: current_user.email,
subject: 'Password reset for user',
html: message.passwordReset(current_user.firstname, password_reset_code)
// Get access token
const { access_token } = await getAuthTokens(current_user._id, 'password_reset')
return res.status(200).send({
success: true,
data: {
message: "Successful, Password reset code sent to users email",
// Reset Password
* Reset a user's password.
* @description Resets the password of the authenticated user if the provided password reset code is valid.<br>
* Note: A request has to be made to the {@link module:controllers/AuthController~forgetPassword forgetPassword}
* endpoint to get a password reset code. Then the password reset code
* is sent to the user's email address.
* This endpoint is used to reset the password using the password reset code.
* @see {@link module:controllers/AuthController~forgetPassword forgetPassword} for more information on how to get a password reset code.
* @param {Object} req - Express request object.
* @param {Object} req.body - Request body.
* @param {string} req.body.new_password - New password.
* @param {string} req.body.password_reset_code - Password reset code.
* @param {Object} req.user - Authenticated user object.
* @param {string} req.user.id - User ID.
* @returns {Object} Response object.
* @returns {boolean} Response.success - Indicates if the request was successful.
* @returns {Object} Response.data - Response data.
* @returns {string} Response.data.message - Success message.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the required parameters are missing in the request body.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the user does not exist.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the password reset code is invalid.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the password reset code has expired.
* @throws {UnauthorizedError} If the access token has expired or is invalid.
* @throws {Error} If any other error occurs.
exports.resetPassword = async (req, res, next) => {
const { new_password, password_reset_code } = req.body
// Check if new password and password reset code are provided
if (!new_password || !password_reset_code)
return next(new BadRequestError('Missing required parameter in request body'));
// Check if user exists
const current_user = await (
await User.findOne({ _id: req.user.id })
).populate('auth_codes password');
if (!current_user) {
throw new BadRequestError('User does not exist');
// Check if password reset code is valid
if (password_reset_code !== current_user.auth_codes.password_reset_code) {
throw new BadRequestError('Invalid password reset code');
// Change password
await current_user.password.updatePassword(new_password, current_user.password);
// Delete auth code, blacklist jwt token
BlacklistedToken.create({ token: req.token });
// BlacklistToken.create({ token: jwtToken })
return res.status(200).send({
success: true,
data: {
message: "Successfully reset password",
// Google Signin
* Sign in a user using their Google account.
* @param {Object} req - The request object.
* @param {string} req.headers.authorization - The authorization header containing the Google auth code.
* @returns {Object} An object containing the status of the request, the access token, and the refresh token.
* @returns {string} status - The status of the request.
* @returns {string} access_token - The access token.
* @returns {string} refresh_token - The refresh token.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the sign-in process.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the required parameter is missing from the request body.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the user does not exist.
* @throws {BadRequestError} If the user is not verified.
exports.googleSignin = async (req, res, next) => {
const authorization = req.headers.authorization;
const code = authorization.split(' ')[1];
if (!code) {
return next(new BadRequestError('Missing required params in request body'))
const client = new OAuth2Client(config.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, config.OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, 'postmessage');
// Exchange code for tokens
const { tokens } = await client.getToken(code)
// Verify id token
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: tokens.id_token,
audience: config.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
payload = ticket.getPayload(),
existing_user = await User.findOne({ email: payload.email }).populate('status')
// Create new user in db
const random_str = UUID(); // Random unique str as password, won't be needed for authentication
if (!existing_user) {
const user_data = {
firstname: payload.given_name,
lastname: payload.family_name,
email: payload.email,
role: 'EndUser',
password: random_str,
passwordConfirm: random_str,
googleId: payload.sub,
const session = await mongoose.startSession();
let new_user;
await session.withTransaction(async () => {
await User.create(
[{ ...user_data }], { session, context: 'query' }
).then((user) => { new_user = user[0] });
await Password.create([{ user: new_user._id, password: user_data.password }], { session, context: 'query' });
await Status.create([{ user: new_user._id }], { session, context: 'query' })
await AuthCode.create([{ user: new_user._id }], { session, context: 'query' })
await session.commitTransaction()
await returnAuthTokens(new_user, 200, res);
await returnAuthTokens(existing_user, 200, res)
// Get details of logged in user
* Get data for the currently logged in user.
* @param {Object} req - The request object.
* @param {Object} req.user - The user object set by the `authenticateToken` middleware.
* @param {string} req.user.id - The ID of the currently logged in user.
* @param {Object} res - The response object.
* @returns {Object} - The response object containing the user data.
* @returns {string} .status - The status of the response, either "success" or "error".
* @returns {Object} .data - The data returned by the response.
* @returns {Object} .data.user - The user object containing the data for the currently logged in user.
* @throws {Error} if an error occurs while fetching the user data.
exports.getLoggedInUser = async (req, res, next) => {
// Check for valid authorization header
const user = await User.findById(req.user.id);
return res.status(200).json({
status: 'success',
data: {