* @category Backend API
* @subcategory Controllers
* @module Certificate Controller
* @description This module contains the controller methods for the certificate routes.
* @requires module:CertificateModel~certificateSchema
* @requires module:CourseReportModel~courseReportSchema
* @requires module:canvas
* The following routes are handled by this module: <br>
* </br>
* <b>GET</b> /api/certificate/verify/:sn <br>
* <b>GET</b> /api/certificate/course/:id <br>
* <b>GET</b> /api/certificate/:id <br>
* <b>GET</b> /api/certificate/ <br>
const { Certificate } = require("../models/certificate.models")
const { CourseReport } = require("../models/course.models")
const fs = require("fs")
const { createCanvas, loadImage } = require("canvas")
const { uploadToCloudinary } = require("../utils/cloudinary")
const { NotFoundError, BadRequestError, ForbiddenError } = require("../utils/errors")
* Verify Certificate
* @description Verify certificate by serial number
* @param {string} serial_number - Serial number of certificate to verify
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing param in request body
* @throws {NotFoundError} if certificate not found
* @returns {Object} certificate
exports.verifyCertificate = async (req, res, next) => {
const serial_number = req.params.sn
// Check if missing params
if (!serial_number || serial_number === ":sn") {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing required param in request body"))
// Check if certificate exists
const certificate = await Certificate.findOne({ serial_number: Number(serial_number) }).populate({
path: "user course",
select: "title description _id firstname lastname email",
if (!certificate) {
return next(new NotFoundError("Certificate not found"))
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: {
message: "Certificate found",
* Get certificate for course
* @description Get certificate for course if it exists, else create it
* @param {string} course_id - Id of course to get certificate for
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing param in request body
* @throws {NotFoundError} if course report not found
* @throws {ForbiddenError} if course not completed
* @returns {Object} certificate
exports.getCertificateForCourse = async (req, res, next) => {
const course_id = req.params.id
// Check if missing params
if (!course_id || course_id === ":id") {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing required param in request body"))
// Check if course exists
const student_course_report = await CourseReport.findOne({ course: course_id, user: req.user.id })
if (!student_course_report) {
return next(new NotFoundError("User has not enrolled for course"))
// Check if user has completed course
if (!student_course_report.isCompleted) {
// return next(new ForbiddenError("Course not completed"))
// Check if certificate exists
const populate_conf = {
path: "user course",
select: "title description _id firstname lastname email",
if (student_course_report.certificate) {
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
message: "Certificate found",
certificate: await student_course_report.certificate.populate(populate_conf),
// Create certificate
const certificate = await this.issueCertificate(student_course_report)
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: {
message: "Certificate issued",
certificate: await certificate.populate(populate_conf),
* Get all certificates for user
* @description Get all users certificates
* @returns {Object} certificates
exports.getAllUsersCertificates = async (req, res, next) => {
const populate_conf = {
path: "user course",
select: "title description _id firstname lastname email",
const certificates = await Certificate.find({ user: req.user.id }).populate(populate_conf)
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: {
* Create certificate for student
* @description Create certificate for student after completing a course
* @param {string} student_course_report_id - Id of student course report
* @param {MongooseDocument} student_course_report
* @returns {MongooseDocument} certificate
async function createCertificate(student_course_report) {
const certificate = new Certificate({
user: student_course_report.user,
course: student_course_report.course,
course_report: student_course_report._id,
serial_number: Date.now(),
// Create certificate image
const sample_certificate_path = "src/assets/sample_certificate.png"
const image = await loadImage(sample_certificate_path)
// Create canvas
const canvas = createCanvas(image.width, image.height)
const context = canvas.getContext("2d")
// Draw image on canvas
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height)
// Draw text on canvas
context.font = "italic 80px Arial"
context.fillStyle = "black"
context.textAlign = "center"
// Add user's fullname
let users_firstname = student_course_report.user.firstname,
users_lastname = student_course_report.user.lastname
// Capitalize first letter of firstname and lastname
users_firstname = users_firstname.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + users_firstname.slice(1)
users_lastname = users_lastname.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + users_lastname.slice(1)
const users_fullmame = `${users_firstname} ${users_lastname}`
context.fillText(users_fullmame, 1000, 900)
// Add course title
const course_title = student_course_report.course.title
context.fillText(course_title, 1000, 100)
// Add certificate id
const certificate_id = certificate.serial_number.toString()
context.font = "italic 30px Arial"
context.fillText(certificate_id, 1000, image.height - 60)
// Save image to file
const modified_image = canvas.toBuffer("image/png")
const image_path = "src/assets/certificate" + `_${certificate.serial_number.toString()}.png`
fs.writeFileSync(image_path, modified_image)
return certificate
* Issue certificate to student
* @param {ObjectId} report_id
* @returns certificate
* @throws {Error} if missing Course report not found
* @throws {Error} if student has not completed course
exports.issueCertificate = async (report_id) => {
const student_course_report = await CourseReport.findById(report_id).populate({
path: "course",
select: "title description _id",
populate: {
path: "author",
select: "name email _id",
}).populate('user certificate');
// Check if course report exists
if (!student_course_report) {
throw new BadRequestError("User has not enrolled for course");
// Check if student has already been issued a certificate
if (student_course_report.certificate) {
return student_course_report.certificate
// Check if student completed course
if (!student_course_report.isCompleted) {
throw new BadRequestError("Course not completed");
let certificate = await createCertificate(student_course_report)
// Upload file to cloudinary
const file_url = await uploadToCloudinary({
path: "src/assets/certificate" + `_${certificate.serial_number.toString()}.png`,
file_name: `certificate_${certificate._id}`,
destination_path: `course_${certificate.course._id}/user_${certificate.user._id}`,
// Delete file from local storage
fs.unlinkSync("src/assets/certificate" + `_${certificate.serial_number.toString()}.png`)
// Save file url to database
certificate.certificate_url = file_url
certificate = await certificate.save()
return certificate
* Get certificate data
* @description Get certificate data
* @param {string} certificate_id - Id of certificate
* @returns {Object} certificate
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing certificate_id
* @throws {NotfoundError} if certificate not found
exports.getCertificateData = async (req, res, next) => {
const certificate_id = req.params.id
// Check if missing params
if (!certificate_id || certificate_id === ":id") {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing required param in request body"))
// Check if certificate exists
const certificate = await Certificate.findById(certificate_id).populate({
path: "course",
select: "title description _id",
if (!certificate) {
return next(new NotFoundError('Certificate not found'))
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
data: {