* @fileoverview Course section controller
* @category Backend API
* @subcategory Controllers
* @module CourseSection Controller
* @requires ../models/course.models
* @requires ../utils/errors
* @description This module is responsible for handling all course section related requests <br>
* The following routes are handled by this module:: <br>
* </br>
* <b>POST</b> /coursesection/new <br>
* <b>GET</b> /coursesection/:id <br>
* <b>PATCH</b> /coursesection/update/:id <br>
* <b>DELETE</b> /coursesection/delete/:id <br>
const { Course, CourseSection, Video, Exercise } = require("../models/course.models");
const { translateDoc } = require("../utils/crowdin");
const { BadRequestError, NotFoundError, ForbiddenError } = require("../utils/errors");
* Create course section
* @description Create course section to group course contents
* @param {string} course_id - Id of course to add section to
* @param {string} title - Title of course section
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing param in request body
* @throws {NotFoundError} if course not found
* @returns {Object}
* @see {@link module:CourseModel~courseSectionSchema}
exports.createCourseSection = async (req, res, next) => {
const { course_id, title } = req.body;
if (!course_id | !title) {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing required param in request body"));
const course = await Course.findById(course_id);
if (!course) {
return next(new NotFoundError("Course not found"));
const course_section = await CourseSection.create({
course: course_id,
return res.status(200).send({
success: true,
data: {
* Get course section data
* @description Get all the contents of a course section, it includes videos, exercises and text materials
* of the course section. An additional field `content` is also added, it is an array of objects, each object
* contains the type of content and the content itself. The type of content can be either `video`, `exercise` or
* `textmaterial`. The content itself is the object of the content.
* These contents are sorted by the order they were added to the course section.
* @see {@link module:CourseModel~courseSectionSchema}
* @param {string} id - Id of course section
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing param in request body
* @throws {NotFoundError} if course section not found
* @returns {Object}
exports.getCourseSectionData = async (req, res, next) => {
const course_section_id = req.params.id;
if (!course_section_id || course_section_id == ":id") {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing param `id` in request params"));
const course_section = await CourseSection.findById(
).populate("videos exercises textmaterials");
if (!course_section) {
return next(new NotFoundError("Course section not found"));
return res.status(200).send({
success: true,
data: {
course_section: await course_section.populate({
path: "course",
select: "title description title_tr description_tr author _id",
* Update course section data
* @description Update contents of a course section
* @param {string} id - Id of course section
* @param {object} req.body - content to update in coursesection
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing param in request body
* @throws {NotFoundError} if course section not found
* @returns {Object}
exports.updateCourseSection = async (req, res, next) => {
const { title } = req.body
const course_section_id = req.params.id
if (!course_section_id || course_section_id == ":id") {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing param `id` in request params"));
const course_section = await CourseSection.findByIdAndUpdate(
course_section_id, { title }, { new: true }
).populate("course videos exercises");
if (!course_section) {
return next(new NotFoundError("Course section not found"));
const updated_course_section = await translateDoc(course_section)
return res.status(200).send({
success: true,
data: {
course_section: course_section.toObject(),
// exports.hideCourseSection = async (req, res, next) => { };
// exports.showCourseSection = async (req, res, next) => { };
* Delete course section
* @description Delete course section
* @param {string} id - Id of course section
* @throws {BadRequestError} if missing param in request body
* @throws {NotFoundError} if course section not found
* @throws {ForbiddenError} if course section still has linked exercises
* @throws {ForbiddenError} if course section still has linked videos
* @returns {Object}
exports.deleteCourseSection = async (req, res, next) => {
const course_section_id = req.params.id
if (!course_section_id || course_section_id == ":id") {
return next(new BadRequestError("Missing param `id` in request params"));
const course_section = await CourseSection.findById(
course_section_id).populate('videos exercises')
if (!course_section) {
return next(new NotFoundError('Course content not found'))
// Check if course section has linked exercises or videos
// if yes, user should first delete the videos or exercise
// or link them to another course section
if (!course_section.exercises) {
return next(new ForbiddenError('Course content still has linked exercises'))
if (!course_section.videos) {
return next(new ForbiddenError('Course content still has linked videos'))
await course_section.deleteOne()
return res.status(200).send({
success: true,
data: {
message: 'Course content deleted successfully'